This brief newsletter functions to introduce our summer hiatus which will cover July and August 2024. During these months, we will use this as an opportunity for you to catch up on previous blog posts.

Podcasts we will continue to share include: Harlem is Everywhere and Womanist Bible Talk, a Podcast.  The first is a short series of podcasts which explores the Harlem Renaissance as a pre-cursor to the Civil Rights Era (from which Black and Womanist Theology emerged). When considering contextual work that brings a fresh perspective, this podcast has it in spades! In addition, the second podcast engages with Womanist Theology, Ethics and Biblical Studies by interviewing authors of the book, Womanist Interpretations of the Bible: Expanding the Discourse. There are additional podcasts that we will share that should assist in your journey for understanding the intersection between race, gender, class and religion.

We continue to share podcasts we have previously shared including Black Girl Gone. This podcast shares our activist goals as amplifying the stories of missing African descended women and girls.

This month, we have curated several resources that we hope you will find valuable and will share within your networks. In addition to sharing job postings and fellowships as we see them, we will also continue to share academic grants and announcements regarding new appointments in religious scholarship and religious leadership.

As networking is also very important, we have been sure to include calls for papers – both for publication and for conferences. Whether you would like to explore the possibility of writing for a journal such as Global Black Thought, or speaking at a national conference such as the National Women’s Studies Association (NWSA), it’s helpful to see where these opportunities are located.

If you already have your schedule filled for the balance of 2024, please share some of these opportunities with your students, colleagues and friends. We will continue to provide hyperlinks, where possible, so that you can take advantage of submitting your papers for conferences and publication, or for other interests you might have such as job opportunities.

We look forward to seeing you in September of 2024!

Dr. Nash and The Misogynoir to Mishpat (M2M) Research Network  ©  2024

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