In the wake of the ongoing genocidal violence against the Palestinian people, the National Women’s Studies Association (NWSA) has issued a comprehensive email that warrants our attention. Similarly, religious academics, theologians, and Bible scholars, find ourselves at a critical juncture—one that demands our active engagement and thoughtful reflection.

The NWSA’s communication delves into multifaceted aspects of the Genocide in Palestine, urging us to consider the gravity of the situation. It is not merely an academic exercise; rather, it serves as a clarion call for us all, but particularly religious scholars, to participate actively.

Toni Morrison’s Wisdom:
During the Civil Rights Era, the energy of protests surged through the streets. However, acclaimed writer Toni Morrison recognized that sustained activism required more than physical presence. Instead of joining the protests directly, she chose to chronicle events—an act of historical documentation that resonates with our scholarly responsibilities.

Insight and Accountability: As theologians and scholars, we must now step forward to provide insight and record our observations. Our unique strengths—rooted in religious texts, ethical frameworks, and historical context—equip us to analyze and critique the unfolding tragedy. The call for accountability rests upon our shoulders.

Womanist Perspectives and Collaborative Efforts: We encourage exploration of womanist scholarship, which offers nuanced perspectives on gender, race, and justice. Additionally, we invite collaboration with groups like “The Circle” and other scholarly communities. Together, we can construct a clear critique of the genocide, which is often mischaracterized as a “religious war.

Voices of Support: In the days ahead, let us consider how we can amplify our voices in solidarity. Like our beloved Jewish brothers and sisters, we stand resolutely against the senseless slaughter of all innocent lives. Our collective lament echoes the urgency to prevent the “extermination” of any people. Stop the violence now.

NWSA: Their Executive Director, Kristian Contreras, provided an eloquent email to detail some of the activist efforts to address the genocide including a May 1st walk-out, where students and faculty stand together in solidarity with a free Palestine. Dr. Contreras also identifies solidarity with the Gaza Solidarity Encampments. She further identifies divestment goals that are now being articulated in spaces throughout the US. To read the email, we encourage you to reach out directly to the NWSA to be placed on their email list.

Click here to read NWSA’s call for papers which has a new deadline of May 15, 2024. There are travel grants available for participants with a need. Their call, “Palestine is a Feminist Issue,” is timely and essential for us all.

Dr. Nash, The Misogynoir to Mishpat (M2M) Research Network (c) 2024

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