Earth, Pandemics, Gender, and Religion Call for Papers

July 1-5, 2024, the Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians (henceforth Circle) will undertake its first pilgrimage to its place of birth, Trinity Theological Seminary in Legon Ghana, for a Pan-African and African Diaspora conference on the theme of Earth, Pandemics, Gender, and Religions/Culture/Ethics/Philosophy/African Literature.

After more than a decade focusing its research on the HIV&AIDS Pandemic, Gender, and Religions, in July 2019 the Circle chose to turn its focus to the them. The decision to focus on Mother Earth was mandated by the obvious impact of global warming and climate change, whose generation of frequent, more intense extreme weather events places African women, and numerous Earth’s citizens, at the center of the storm. Global warming adversely impacts ecological systems, the physical land, and human beings.

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